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Gathering of the Mothers' Council

21/10/2023 12:00:00 ص

On October 19th, the initial gathering of the Mothers' Council was held, with representatives from every educational level, covering both boys and girls sections. The primary purpose of this assembly was to announce the General President and Vice President of the council. During the meeting, all participants had an opportunity to introduce themselves, and the responsibilities of each member were delineated. Furthermore, various topics related to both boys' and girls' sections were addressed. Our hope is that they will serve the best interests of our sons and daughters and to be a source of benefit to all.

تم اليوم عقد الإجتماع الأول لمجلس الامهات بحضور ممثل عن كل مرحلة دراسية للإعلان عن الرئيس العام والنائب
وتعارف جميع الحضور ومناقشة المهام الوظيفية للأعضاء
كما تم مناقشة بعض الموضوعات التي تخص قسمي البنين والبنات
سائلين المولى عز وجل ان ينفع بهم وان يكون في مصلحة الشأن العام لأبنائنا الطلاب والطالبات